Top 20 PHP Mistakes

Top 20 Common PHP Mistakes: Examples and How to Avoid Them

PHP is a versatile and widely used scripting language for web development. However, like any other programming language, it's susceptible to mistakes that can lead to bugs, security vulnerabilities, or poor code quality. In this article, we'll discuss the top 20 common PHP mistakes, provide examples for each, and offer remedies to avoid them.

1. Not Using Proper Error Handling

Mistake: Neglecting error handling can lead to undetected issues.


$result = file_get_contents('nonexistent_file.txt');
echo $result;

Remedy: Use try-catch blocks or functions like set_error_handler() to handle errors gracefully and provide meaningful feedback.

2. Not Sanitizing User Input

Mistake: Not validating and sanitizing user input can expose your application to security risks.


$user_input = $_POST['username'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$user_input'";

Remedy: Always sanitize and validate user input, preferably using prepared statements and parameterized queries.

3. Using Deprecated Functions

Mistake: Using deprecated functions can result in compatibility issues and security vulnerabilities.


mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password');

Remedy: Keep your PHP version up to date and replace deprecated functions with their modern equivalents (e.g., mysqli_connect()).

4. Neglecting Code Comments and Documentation

Mistake: Inadequate comments and documentation can make your code difficult to understand and maintain.


// Function to calculate tax
function calcTax($price) {
    // ...

Remedy: Add clear comments and documentation to explain the purpose and usage of your code.

5. Using Global Variables Excessively

Mistake: Relying heavily on global variables can lead to code that is hard to maintain and test.


function updateUser() {
    global $db;
    // ...

Remedy: Minimize the use of global variables by using function parameters and return values.

6. Not Protecting Against SQL Injection

Mistake: Failing to protect against SQL injection can expose your database to malicious attacks.


$user_input = $_POST['username'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$user_input'";

Remedy: Use prepared statements and parameterized queries with PDO or mysqli to prevent SQL injection.

7. Poor File and Directory Permissions

Mistake: Incorrect file and directory permissions can expose sensitive data and create security vulnerabilities.


chmod('/var/www/private_file.txt', 777);

Remedy: Set appropriate permissions, such as 644 for files and 755 for directories, to restrict access.

8. Ignoring Code Validation and Linting

Mistake: Not validating your code can lead to syntax errors and unexpected behavior.


if ($x == 5 {
    // ...

Remedy: Use code validation tools like PHP's php -l command or linting tools like PHP CodeSniffer.

9. Not Escaping Output for HTML

Mistake: Outputting user-generated content without escaping can expose your application to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.


$user_input = $_POST['comment'];
echo $user_input;

Remedy: Use htmlspecialchars() or similar functions to escape user-generated content before outputting it.

10. Poorly Structured Code

Mistake: Writing unorganized, spaghetti code can hinder maintenance and collaboration.


// Thousands of lines of unstructured code.

Remedy: Follow coding standards (e.g., PSR standards) and use a modular, organized approach like MVC.

11. Not Using Version Control

Mistake: Not using version control can lead to code loss and collaboration issues.

Example: No version control system in place.

Remedy: Use a version control system like Git to track changes, collaborate, and backup your code.

12. Not Properly Closing Database Connections

Mistake: Failing to close database connections can lead to resource leaks.


$conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password', 'database');
// Code
// No connection closure

Remedy: Always close database connections using mysqli_close() or similar functions when you're done.

13. Not Handling Sessions Securely

Mistake: Mishandling sessions can lead to security vulnerabilities, like session fixation.


$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;

Remedy: Use secure session handling practices, regenerate session IDs, and implement session timeouts.

14. Not Using Prepared Statements

Mistake: Writing SQL queries without prepared statements can expose your application to SQL injection attacks.


$user_input = $_POST['username'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$user_input'";

Remedy: Always use prepared statements with parameter binding to execute SQL queries securely.

15. Overlooking Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Mistake: Neglecting CSRF protection can expose your application to unauthorized actions.


<form action="delete.php" method="post">
    <!-- No CSRF token -->

Remedy: Implement CSRF tokens to protect against forged requests.

16. Not Updating Dependencies

Mistake: Failing to update dependencies can result in security vulnerabilities and outdated features.

Example: Using outdated libraries or frameworks.

Remedy: Keep your dependencies up to date to benefit from bug fixes and security patches.

17. Inefficient Database Queries

Mistake: Writing inefficient database queries can impact application performance.


SELECT * FROM huge_table WHERE column LIKE '%keyword%';

Remedy: Optimize queries by using indexes, limiting results, and optimizing database design.

18. Mixing HTML and PHP Code

Mistake: Mixing HTML and PHP code excessively can make your code less maintainable.


// PHP logic
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- HTML markup mixed with PHP -->
    <!-- More mixed code -->

Remedy: Follow the separation of concerns principle by using templates or a framework.

19. Ignoring Code Reviews

Mistake: Skipping code reviews can result in unnoticed bugs and suboptimal code.

Example: No code review process in place.

Remedy: Establish a code review process to catch issues early and improve code quality.

20. Not Using Composer for Dependency Management

Mistake: Neglecting Composer for dependency management can make managing external libraries challenging.

Example: Manually downloading and including libraries.

Remedy: Use Composer to manage external dependencies efficiently and maintain a clean project structure.

Conclusion Avoiding these common PHP mistakes is crucial for writing secure, maintainable, and efficient code. Regularly reviewing and improving your coding practices, staying up to date with best practices, and using tools like code linters and security scanners can help you produce higher-quality PHP applications.